Retail and wholesale trade of parts of commercial vehicles.
We deal with the retail and wholesale trade of commercial road vehicles. At the time of its foundation in 1991, the company mainly dealt with the distribution of the parts of Eastern commercial vehicles. Under the influence of market demands, this profile has been expanded by the trade of the parts of Western commercial vehicles and trailers since 1997. We have a nationwide market of supply. We have formed our firm's selection of goods by constantly monitoring and flexibly following the demands of the region, steadily aiming at competitive prices. Besides, we are local representatives of several national wholesalers. We have stable markets guaranteed by contracts. The company has 12 employees whose professional knowledge complying with the requirements of their own and of the firm helps the Company increase continuously. Quality plays an important role at our company not only for the parts sold by us but also in the everyday work and in organising our internal processes. Each section of our company has run according to the quality assurance standard ISO 9001 since getting the certification in the year 2000. Our salesman and our distributing vans are on the road every day, delivering our goods in order to meet the customers' demand as soon as possible. We hope our short introduction has aroused your interest, and you can personally judge for yourself the quality of our goods and services soon.
If you are interested in maintenance services, we can recommend you our partner company, the AUTORAIL LLC..
Felni LLC
6724 Szeged, Kossuth L. sgt. 109.
Phone/facsimile: 00-36/62/553-100
Business hours:
Mo-Fri 7.00-16.30,
Sat 8.00-12.00